Why Lost in the Delta Quadrant?

Excuse me for a moment. My geekiness is showing and I need to cover it up. Yes, I like Star Trek and that is part of the reason why I chose this title for my blog. I thought about it for a bit before I finally settled on it. I tried to come up with something that was going to be witty and insightful and describe me in the most unique terms. Unfortunately, nothing fantastic came to mind. In fact, most of the ideas were downright stupid. I just kept coming back to Lost in the Delta Quadrant.
If you happen to be a fan of Star Trek, particularly Star Trek: Voyager then you will most likely understand the reference. If not, let me take a moment to explain. In Star Trek: Voyager, the titular starship is transported 70,000 light years across the galacxy by an entity known as the Caretaker. Without going into great plot detail, Voyager's captain, Kathryn Janeway, is forced to destroy the technology that brought them to the Delta Quadrant in order to protect a defenseless alien culture from a much more aggressive one. Thus, the ship and her crew is stranded. Even at top speeds it will take them more than 75 years to get home.
I selected Lost in the Delta Quadrant because I felt that to some degree the show is a good metaphor for life. We are all lost in a part of space that is unknown and unchartered trying to reach a destination called home. On the show, that destination is Earth, but for each of us it is a unique goal. It could be enlightenment, heaven, or some other pinnacle of success. So that is why I chose that as the title of my blog.
your right your "geekiness" was showing. But that's OK. Geeks are cool
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