City Lights

This photo of the Sombrero Galaxy has always reminded of the glow of lights of a major city seen on the horizon. When you are approaching a city, those lights seem to hold the tantalyzing prospect of people, activity, life, and excitment. I get some of the same feelings when looking at this photo. Does this galaxy hold the same promise of life? I blows one's mind to think of all the possibilities of life in our own galaxy with its multitude of stars, but then to start throwning the multitude of galaxies with their own stars into mix, the possibilities are huge.
Personally, I think that in all likelihood the universe is filled with life. To think that we, a civilization that can't seem to get its act together, is all there is is depressing to me. I can't remember who said it, but they referred to that type of universe as a terrible waste of space.
I am not sure that we would ever meet our intra or intergalactic neighbors. Despite my enjoyment of Star Trek, I have my doubts as to whether greater than light speed travel is even possible. I'd like to think that it could happen someday, but probably not. Until that day, we will have to be content with the lights and prospects of our own cities.

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