Tuesday, December 19, 2006

None of Your Beeswax

For once the White House has got it right. No explanations beyond what have been given are necessary or required. The issue at hand should really be a non-issue.
Laura Bush was under absolutely no obligation to disclose that she had surgery to remove squamous cell lesions from her leg. Last time I looked, she is not an elected official and is entitled to the same rights to privacy that we all enjoy. Sentence end. Period.
Just because the presidency has set the precedent of releasing the results of the president's annual physical public, doesn't mean that the same goes for his or maybe a someday her family. In reality, the president should be accorded the same sort of privacy unless it directly impairs his ability to lead.
For the press or anyone else to make a case of it is just plain wrong.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Nothing Interesting

I realized the other day that I haven't been keeping up with my blog lately. I guess that in part it is due to the fact that not much interesting has happened. I could always comment on the unseasonably warm weather we had a few weeks ago or the frigid temperatures that are chilling me to the bone right now and tie it in to some sort of global warming polemic. I could also throw in some new stories about the tornado in London, warmer waters dirupting ocean food chains, and Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. But, I don't think that I am going to do that.
I suppose I could go on some sort of tirade against the commercialism of the Christmas season also and the fact that my Christmas spirit is non-existant this year. It died almost immediately after a local radio station started to play Christmas songs the day after Halloween. I haven't even put up the Christmas tree yet and if it weren't for the kids, my home would likely go undecorated this year. Bah Humbug! You're a mean one Mr. Grinch!
I honestly wish that when I wake up tomorrow morning, it would be January 1, 2007. I am not going to be sorry one bit to see this stinking, rotten, crappy year of 2006 end.
Now on a less crabby and misanthropic note, I can say that I was able to cross something off of my I've Never list. Up until last week, I was able to say that I've never eaten Thai food. Thanks to a lunch out with some coworkers, I can say that I had Thai food. While eating a plate of pad kee mao is not exactly sky diving (That is not on my I've never list, but is on my I've never and don't ever intend to list. I don't see the point of jumping out of a perfectly good airplane with a bedsheet tied to my back), it is another big step for me while trying to exit a life of quiet desperation. Next stop Vietnamese food.