Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I have been terribly remise in actually writing anything in my blog lately. I suppose that it has something to do with the fact that the weather is actually nice and I am not cooped up in the house anymore. It may also have something to do with the fact that I actually partially have a life now. While most of my life still revolves around my kids, which sadly means that I know far too much about Disney Channel's programming, the rest of my life is pretty busy with my girlfriend. That sounds totally weird to me. I am  33-years-old with two children, a dog, a minivan, and a mortgage. Somehow, saying that I have a girlfriend  makes me feel like I am in high school again. Part of that is good, the feeling of youth again, but the other part that sucks is just sounding like a teenager. I wish that there was a better term for girlfriend when you are in your thirties, but oh well, I will still take it.


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