Sunday, January 21, 2007

First Date

After June 24, 1995, I would never have expected to find myself in this position again. That was the day I got married. In my mind, it was a done deal that I would never have to enter the dating world again. But, alas that was not the case.
So, it was only recently that I found myself going on my first date in about sixteen years. Getting ready for the date, I felt like I was sixteen again. When I woke up that morning I was hoping that when I went to the mirror, I was hoping not to find that a huge pimple had sprouted overnight. Fortunately, one had not. Then I looked through my closet and didn't know what to wear. I went to the store and bought a new shirt and pants just for the date. I was hoping that I looked presentable without looking like I was trying too hard. After my shower, I hoped to God that I wouldn't smell bad so I deodorized everything possible.
Then I starting second guessing myself. Was an Italian restaurant such a good idea? Garlic breath? Even though we were meeting there, should I have vacuumed out my car? Did I suggest too early of a time? And so on and so on.
Fortunately, the date went well without a hitch. It ended up lasting about six hours. Although there were a few odd lapses in conversation, we were able to talk about a multitude of subject with ease. Not too bad with being so incredibly rusty.


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