Monday, November 06, 2006

Vote Early and Often

Well, tomorrow is the day, election day. I for one intend to vote. Ever since I was old enough to vote, I have voted in ever major election. I think that one has no right to complain about the state of government and politicians if they didn't even bother to vote.
I don't really consider myself to be either a Republican or a Democrat, even though my voting tendencies have run towards Democratic over the last couple of years. I don't feel that any one party has all the answers or is completely correct in their positions. I try to be consistent in expressing my beliefs on the important issues. Unfortunately, that means that no one candidate is perfect and I have to choose based on the importance I place on a few key issues.
 Hopefully, this election will serve to make some important statements by the people of this country about the current leadership and the direction in which we are headed. If you like the way things are going, then express that position. If you are gravely concerned about choices the leadership is taking then do something to change it. Make sure your voice is heard and after the elections keep on making sure that the politicians are listening.


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