Case For Evolution

I have never had a problem with evolution. Although, it is an unproveable theory at the moment, it seems reasonable to me. I don't have a problem accepting it and have never had a problem reconciling it with any notion of a creator good. I don't believe the biblical account of creation to be literal.
If you take a look at a fish, frog, and lizard it doesn't take too much of a leap to fill in the gaps of progression. From a lizard it doesn't take much of an imagination to go to dinosaurs and so on.
There was a news story today about a veritable cornucopia of flora and fauna off the shores of Papua New Guinea. Among the newly discovered species is a shark that walks along the ocean floor on its fins. While, I am not versed on all the fundamentalist objections to evolution (I find them to be tiresome) I do know that one point in their case against evolution is the lack of a record of transitional species. Nevermind that fossils are really rare enough as is, but here is a living, breathing example of an animal showing some transitional behaviors.
I for one will continue to put my money on evolution. Pondering how we got from a single cell organism to the species we are now can really blow the mind. That sort of advancement and the incomprehensible time frame does not detract from any glory due to its creator.
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